
How Do You Define Success?

“The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.” – Benjamin Disraeli

Tony Fahkry social media

I believe everyone has great potential within them. It is a matter of awakening it to reach your most efficient level.

By focusing on what is meaningful to you, I bring value to your life by helping you think clearly and make decisions in alignment with who you are.

I delight in helping you discover your genius, talents and gifts and awakening your highest potential.

I do this through writing books, articles, online courses, individual coaching and speaking engagements. It is no accident that several leading authors have given their names to endorsing my books to include: Dr.Eldon Taylor, Dr. Joe Vitale from The Secret and Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones.

I graduated with a B.A. in Fashion and worked in the fashion industry, before discovering my real passion for writing and speaking. Hailing from a family of artisans, my father was a tailor and mother a dressmaker, so creativity was sewn into my destiny.

I have been on a lifelong quest to empower others with the wisdom I gained over the past decade.

The French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin once wrote: “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” This is the essence that flows through my writing; helping you awaken your authentic self to realise your highest potential.

My book titles include:

  1. The Power To Navigate Life
  2. Reconstructing The Past To Create A Remarkable Future
  3. Awaken Your Authentic Self

I invite you to explore your highest potential as you read through the following pages and articles.

To your continued health and happiness!



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