Finding Wisdom Within: How To Silence The Noise And Trust Your Intuition

The Significance Of Attuning To Inner Wisdom

“The voice of intuition is a soft one, but it does not rest until it has made itself heard.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson.

What is the significance of being attuned to your inner wisdom or intuition? Do you often use your intuition, and how has it helped you? It’s no secret that living in a fast-paced world with distractions makes it challenging to connect with our inner wisdom. We are bombarded with external noise through social media, breaking news, emails, text messages, etc. We lose our connection to our inner spirit when constantly inundated by external noise, which comes at a price to our inner peace. This inner guidance helps us make sense of life, whether through our purpose, our emotional life, or our relationship with others. Our inner wisdom is the place where we naturally find peace and clarity. IFS (Internal Family Systems) Therapy calls it Self-led, consisting of the 8 C’s: Curiosity, Calmness, Clarity, Connectedness, Confidence, Courage, Creativity, and Compassion. These qualities are our core nature or authentic self, which is the essence of our being. It’s understandable to lose the connection to our inherent qualities when facing life’s difficulties.

But when we recognize that disharmony and negativity are not our natural state, it removes the burden of staying stuck in our pain and suffering. Is this idea something you can identify with? Have you ever experienced feeling peaceful and calm by connecting with these 8 C’s? If so, it is possible to return to this inner wisdom and silence the external noise. Otherwise, we succumb to situations not of our choosing and wonder why we got pulled into something unimportant. I invite you to define what is important to you and make it the centerpiece of your universe. At times, responding to an urgent matter in your life is necessary. However, if you can discover a way to reconnect with your true self and engage with the eight C’s, the chaos in the world won’t disrupt your inner peace. It can remind you to look inside yourself and tap into your internal source of serenity.

Nurturing The Language Of Intuition

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” — Albert Einstein.

So, how can we differentiate our intuition from other thoughts and feelings? This question often comes up in my one-on-one coaching work with clients. Understanding the language of our intuition is fundamental; otherwise, the egoic mind’s overpowering nature can suppress our spirit’s voice. The voice of intuition is quiet and speaks subtly. It is not limited to words but expressed through impulses or inner knowing. It is what people refer to as their gut instinct. Is this something you experienced before? If so, do you make it a practice to listen to your intuition or gut feelings often? I make it a regular exercise to connect with my inner wisdom through journalling and free association writing. I block out time, whether first thing in the morning or before bed, to communicate with my thoughts and emotions and write what I feel. Connecting with my core nature makes me better equipped to respond to situations without difficult emotions. It wouldn’t be fair to give you the impression that life is always smooth sailing. However, when we experience disempowering thoughts or feelings, we can allow them to pass and return to our peaceful state.

Are you comfortable with this understanding so far? Discovering the wisdom within you means connecting with your authentic self and trusting your intuition. Many practices can help us connect with this inner wisdom, such as meditation, mindfulness, and solitude. It is purposefully creating time to reconnect with the undercurrent of your thoughts and emotions so you can make sense of them. It might involve journalling or sitting in silence to feel your feelings in a way that is non-triggering for you. By making decisions based on intuition, we engage all our human faculties to make sense of our lives. Instinct, also known as the sixth sense, can help us evaluate the congruency of our thoughts and feelings regarding significant situations. For instance, if you are unhappy in your current relationship with your significant other, you might consult with your inner wisdom to find out why you feel this way. You may want to keep a journal to write down your thoughts and reflect on their significance.

It’s normal to experience doubts about trusting your intuition. Like most things, when we learn a new language, there will be a period of uncertainty about the information that comes forth. It is okay to delay taking action on our intuition, allowing it to settle and determine if it is a recurring theme. Going back to the situation with your relationship, you might journal your thoughts or impulses about how you feel in the relationship and see whether these feelings resurface. Get curious about the feelings and invite them to reveal more. Maybe they are trying to convey that you aren’t receiving the validation, attention, or acknowledgment you deserve in the relationship. Expressing your need for support, closeness, and consideration is essential. Our inner wisdom often provides a reassuring message from our soul-self to help us navigate everyday situations.

I’m not suggesting we ignore logic altogether but use wisdom and reason to make sense of essential life issues. Using both logic and intuition can enhance decision-making. So could you give yourself the gift of using your inner guidance to know more about yourself? Could you engage with your inner voice and follow the messages to develop a harmonious merger of mind, body, and spirit? The only way to know is through practice and developing a curious mind towards the information your intuition reveals. So, as an exercise, explore one or two critical issues affecting you now in your journal. Close your eyes, move your awareness into your heart area, and try to get an impression of the feelings or sensations in that space. Avoid questioning or attempting to rationalize your feelings; write them down and seek understanding once you’ve received guidance from your inner wisdom. After all, cultivating a profound trust in our intuition becomes the compass guiding us to deep insights in the journey toward self-discovery and learning.

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Tony Fahkry

Expert Life Coach

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