“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.”—William Arthur Ward
If you’ve ever been on a sailboat, you’ll understand the importance of wind. Without wind the boat will not move, it will drift about with the current.
The wind is essential for a great experience. Sailors understand they cannot control the direction of the wind. If the wind is blowing right to left, you cannot make it blow left to right, but what you can do is direct the sail.
It was Jim Rohn, an entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker, who said, “The same wind blows on us all; the winds of disaster, opportunity and change. The same wind blows on us all. Therefore, it is not the blowing of the wind, but the setting of the sails that will determine our direction in life.”
It is not about the wind, but something more. It is not about the problems that come or the obstacles you face.
[bctt tweet=”It is not about the wind, but something more. It is not about the problems that come or the obstacles you face.” username=”tonyfahkry”]Peace, happiness, and success is about your attitude and how you respond to life. Winds will come because we are powerless over many things in life, but if you respond with passion, faith, and perseverance, you will be okay.
Learn How To Set The Sail
Let’s say you were on a sail boat with one person who knew how to work the sail. Let’s say they went out cold and the sail boat was headed for a rock.
What would you do?
Figure out how to change the sail?
Experience anger or a panic attack?
Give up and jump out of the boat into the water?
You might wish you knew how to work the sail. In the same way, sometimes you will be headed towards a rock or a problem, frustration, circumstance, etc.
What will you do?
Give up?
Why not learn how to set the sail?
Learn how you will react when directed towards a giant rock that could cause imminent pain and suffering. Assuredly these times will come.
“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.”—Dolly Parton
How will you react?
What will your attitude be?
Write It Down
Take a few minutes and write what you will do when such times occur.
When frustrations arise.
When your boss says you are not doing good enough.
When your partner tells you he or she is not thinking the relationship is going well.
When your numbers are not what they should be.
When a car cuts you off in traffic.
When there’s more bills at the end of the month than money.
What will your attitude be? Decide now.
Decide you will adopt an attitude of courage, faith, and optimism. Say it out loud if you must. It is a choice. Your attitude is your choice and you have power over it. Just like a sailor has power over the sail, your power is your attitude.
[bctt tweet=”Your attitude is your choice and you have power over it.” username=”tonyfahkry”]Set it to work with the wind.
Whatever It Takes
A marathon runner trains intensely to run a marathon. He or she disciplines their body and mind well before the race because they understand the importance of training. To run a marathon with no training is a recipe for disaster. In the same way, to go through life unprepared for the winds of change, problems, trials, etc. is a recipe for disaster. You can train yourself now to prepare for such times.
Adopt a “whatever it takes” approach. Feed yourself empowering material which nourishes your inner landscape. Keep success principles before you. Spend time with those with a similar outlook. Learn the principles that will help you soar with the wind in your personal, and professional life. Learn them now because when tough times come, it is difficult to focus and learn new things.
Incredible Potential
You have incredible potential in every area of your life. Celebrate your successes and delight in possibilities.
You have come so far already. Greet each morning with a big thank you and expect great things to come your way.
Your attitude can make or break you, so declare it will be one of gratitude, faith, trust, and optimism.
You are infinite potential.
Are You Ready to Transform Your Life with Confidence?
Are you ready to transform your life and unlock your potential? Start your journey with me today! My Life Coaching Program has empowered many to achieve lasting change. Schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation now and take the first step towards a brighter, more confident you.
Tony Fahkry
Expert Life Coach