What You Silently Say And Do, Is More Important Than What You Externally Communicate

Published on: December 17, 2020

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Thoughts Become Our Reality

“As a person thinks, feels, and believes, so is the condition of his or her mind, body, and circumstances.” — Joseph Murphy

What are your innermost thoughts? Are they empowering or disempowering you? If your thoughts are negative, have you tried examining the root cause? In this article, I wish to propose what we silently say to ourselves, determines our reality. It’s no surprise, many people spend time fixated on negative self-talk. Not just negative self-talk about themselves, but negative self-talk about others or situations. Whether or not you believe thoughts manifest into reality, what we dwell upon will find its way into our lives if we are unconscious to them.

The subconscious mind is a powerful field of attraction. As a testament to this, consider why a random song pops into your head when you least expect it? It happened to me last week. While watching TV, a series of advertisements appeared promoting an upcoming TV show I dislike. I recall my inner conversation centred around my aversion to the show. Sure enough, throughout the week, I woke up between 2 – 3 AM, with the jingle running through my head. I didn’t plan to memorise the song; in fact, I dislike the show. However, my subconscious mind thought otherwise. I connected the emotions of hate and anger with this song, which saturated my subconscious mind.

Now, let me be clear: there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that thoughts manifest into reality. After all, what tools do we use to measure electrical episodes in the brain, to prove this theory? Thoughts are subjective and if we analysed 100 people, how do we create a baseline to support our model? What I’m trying to say: the reason science hasn’t proved thoughts create reality, is because it’s physically impossible. There are too many variables and unknown elements to measure. So, if you’re a person of science looking for scientific facts, I encourage you to stop reading here. I’m not claiming this article supports science and facts, but merely exploring how our thoughts externalise themselves in our reality.

Observe Your Thoughts

“The soul is your innermost being. The presence that you are beyond form. The consciousness that you are beyond form, that is the soul. That is who you are in essence.” — Eckhart Tolle

How do you feel about this so far? Are you getting the sense that your thoughts are more powerful than you realise? Can you see, what you ruminate about creates your reality? Even if you can entertain the likelihood of it being true, it will go a long way to help you master your thoughts. There are many questions that come to mind regarding this topic. For instance, are we in command of our thoughts? Can we change what we think about? If so, how do we know our thoughts have changed? I’m convinced, we can change our thinking because people change their lives every day. Millions of people have overcome addictions, failed marriages, gone from homeless to millionaire, healed themselves, overcame innumerable setbacks and disasters. There are people who started with nothing and have become influential in their own right. What I’m saying: thoughts must be amendable because if millions of people can change their lives, they must have changed their thinking. How about you? Are there aspects of life you changed as a result of your thinking?

The main principle I wish to espouse in this article is: be watchful of what you say to yourself because it will externalise itself in your reality, whether you know it or not. So, if you wish to be in a loving relationship and you habitually entertain negative self-talk, you are moving further away from your desires. However, if you align your thoughts with your true desires, chances are, you will manifest that relationship in due course. This is not a hard and fast rule but a way of observing the net effect of empowered thinking. Obviously, there are other factors to take into account in the context of this argument. Everything being equal, what we continually think about and associate with strong emotions, will externalise itself at some point in our life.

If we repeatedly dwell upon on negative situations and bathe them with negative emotions, there’s a good chance they will come to life. I realise it is difficult to measure because by the time reality catches up, it may have been weeks, months or even years. We cannot directly see evidence of our thoughts creating our reality, unless we keep a journal. The most important factor here, whether or not you believe in the science, is to be mindful of what you think about. If we are dissatisfied with our life, chances are, our past thinking may have contributed to our present moment experience. Again, there are many factors to take into account beyond the scope of this article. So, how do we navigate the unpredictable elements of our life? Do we need to be mindful of everything we think?

Yes and no. In the initial stages, being mindful of and journaling our thoughts, helps us follow the patterns of our thinking. This gives us a barometer of where we’re spending our thought energy. Once we’ve observed our thoughts through journaling, it’s a matter of breaking the cycle of negative thinking. I’m not claiming you should try to stop negative thoughts, or that it’s even possible. If you would like to know more about this, I would encourage you to research various psychology treatments such as: CBT, ACT and EMDR, to list a few. These treatments can help an individual break the spell of negative thinking and reframe it to empowering thoughts. Ultimately, we want to be in charge of our thoughts and not leave it to chance. Otherwise, we’re likely to get pulled along by our thoughts, which create our upcoming future.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Life with Confidence?

Are you ready to transform your life and unlock your potential? Start your journey with me today! My Life Coaching Program has empowered many to achieve lasting change. Schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation now and take the first step towards a brighter, more confident you.

Tony Fahkry

Expert Life Coach

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